Logo Nevelök Háza Egyesület

Nevelők Háza Egyesület (NHE), or in English: Educators’ Centre Association, is one of the leading NGOs of Hungary, operating numerous projects and a community centre in the city of Pécs in cooperation with the local municipality.


Pécs is the fifth largest city in Hungary, located on the slopes of the Mecsek mountains in the South-West part of the country, close to its border with Croatia. It is the administrative and economical centre of Baranya county. It has around 140 000 inhabitants.

Pécs has always been a multicultural city where many cultural layers are encrusted melting different values of the history of two thousand years. Hungarians, Croatians and Swabians still live in peace together in economic and cultural polarity.

In 1998 Pécs was given the UNESCO prize “Cities for peace” for maintaining the cultures of the minorities, and also for its tolerant and helping attitude toward refugees of the Balkan Wars.

In 2010 Pécs was selected to be the European Capital of Culture sharing the title together with Essen and Istanbul. in 2017 Pécs won the award of UNESCO Global Learning Cities. Still the region is among the 20 economically most under-developed regions of the EU.


NHE’s aims are to support the civil grass-root movements with its internal and external resources in order that they can grow and strengthen, be more active and by doing so they can encourage the growth of their closer and wider surroundings. NHE provides services, training activities and educational programmes according to the principles of sheltering, counselling, empowerment and organizational development as well as lifelong learning priorities.


NHE was founded in 1993, and has been working for the development of the civil society for the last 26 years. Since 1997 the organization sustains the House of Civic Communities that helped to launch several local civil organizations. Currently more than 90 communities - formal and non-formal civil movements - are operating in the building, while NHE acts as an umbrella organisation for their benefit. Besides its infrastructural capabilities, NHE provides services and learning possibilities for the NGOs, training activities, forums, research, conferences, professional consultancy, etc. Over 50 000 visitors were registered in 2018.

Major Activities

The Association currently performs the following major functions:

  • Providing consultancy and organizational development activities for non-governmental organizations as regional Civil Centre;
  • Operating the Baranya County Volunteer Centre for local volunteers and host organizations as well as a community café as the association's social enterprise;
  • Organizing cultural and society events, exhibitions, concerts, performances for the local audience;
  • Providing non-formal learning occasions for seniors, adults, disadvantaged groups (e.g. single mothers, Roma, disabled, etc.);
  • Coordinating every year the Learning City Festival of Pécs (UNESCO Global Learning City Awarded)  in cooperation with the municipality of Pécs, the University of Pécs and several local and regional NGOs, for-profit actors and other social, cultural, educational, environment protection, etc. institutions; 
  • Participating in and managing several national and international projects.


NHE has managed several national and international EU funded projects as well since years. NHE maintains a 20-year-old fruitful working relationship with the Municipality of Pécs and carries out public services and functions for nearly 20 years.

Staff and Volunteers

The everyday work is regularly assisted by more than fifty volunteers and 19 employees.


NHE is the member of some international networks like EAEA, REIN, as well as national ones like proHáló Network, Civil Centres in Hungary, Network of Volunteer Centres.


Nevelők Háza Egyesület
Szent István tér 17
7624 Pécs,Hungary

Tel.: +36 (0)72 215543

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Website: www.ckh.hu/nevelok-haza-egyesulet