Experience the complicated path a bill has to take in order to become a law in the EU

The EU Law Game is is a role-playing game that gives players insight into the network of decision making institutions in the EU: European Parliament, Commission, Council of the European Union... It does so in a recreational way. Players experience the path a legal bill has to take in order to become a law in the EU. While taking on different roles they discuss new bills, define priorities, and try to bring the bills through all the institutions and steps of legislation so that the law can finally step into force.

Online escape game to try and save the EU from total dissolution

Reddä EU! (Save the European Union!) is an online escape game developed by Folkuniversitetet Uppsala as part of the Have Your Say project. The game presents an apocalyptic scenario where the EU is at the brink of ruin, and the task of the player is to save it. This can be achieved by finding out a number of details on the EU - details that are hidden in the various tasks and riddles of the game. A good player can reach the goal in about 45 minutes up to an hour.

Build a wood tower and learn about the structure, functioning and values of the EU.

Young people and adults alike are often embarrassed when asked about the EU. But a large game of Jenga ­­â€“ a tower of wood blocks to be built and re-arranged – is a game that everyone loves to play. The game we have developed is a combination of a wood block tower and a card-based quiz, where the EU is at the heart of the issues. We tested this game as a fun way of learning with young adults and seniors as well.

Developed by Nevelök Háza Egyesület, Pécs, Hungary

An escape room about the future of the European Union

The Brexit debate in the UK since 2016 has made it clear: many citizens in the EU are poorly informed about what the EU is, what it does and how decisions are made in the EU. Distrust in the idea of international cooperation and recourse to nationalist doctrines are growing in many of the 28 EU member states, and populism has become a problem everywhere.

The team of Europahaus Aurich tried to tackle this by developing an escape game around the question "stay or leave"?

A board game to lead groups into discussions about the plus and minus of the European Union

Generatione Europa (Generation Europe) was developed by CEFAL (member of Consorzio OPEN), an educational institution in Bologna, Italy, as a board game, with a cardboard playing board, and all the uther typical utensils such as playing cards with advice, other cards with unexpected events, figures to move and dice. The game is sort of quiz, but it does not focus on testing who knows most. Rather the various tasks are desigend in a way to lead players into discussion about various EU-related topics, not least their own experience. The game has a game master, and participants split in two groups to compete with each other.

Guessing game to get familiar with institutions and services in the EU

In this game no one loses, everyone wins. Players learn to appreciate membership of the European Union, its values, its culture, its advantages and its benefits.

A time machine taking us back to the day before the UK’s Brexit referendum

Our partners in the UK created a virtual escape room that makes players think again through the arguments pro and contra the EU which had stirred up so many emotions a couple of years ago in their country. The game can be played as a self-learning activity, or it can be played in teams, either in a classroom, or with learners connected via video conference.

The EU legislation diagram shows a flow chart of typical legislation in the EU, concretely the so-called "Ordinary Legislation Process". The chart was initially created in order to support "The Law Game", an educational game developed by Coop SAPSE in Korsika. It was developed after we found various other created by thirds parties not suitable. The diagram can be useful also for many other purposes - everywhere where the question is: How does a thing become law in th EU?

EU Legislation diagram EN

The Ordinary Legislation Procedure is only one of multiple, but it is the most frequently applied one.

More information EU legislation procedures can be found on the EUs own websites:



The EU Legislation Diagram is available in English and a number of other languages.

We provide two different types of Pdf files:

  1. Single page; this is set in approximately A3 paper but it can be printed also smaller, or - better - larger (if you have a plotter), as most of its elements are vector graphics and don't lose precision when enlarging
  2. The poster split into 4 pages, with overlaps for glueing. This allows you to print the file on an ordinary office printer (A4 sized paper), and then cut and glue together the 4 pages to get a reasonably sized poster that you can stick to the wall.
 Language  One page
Split into 4 pages
 English  EU Legislation (1 page) EN  EU Legislation (4 pages) EN
 German  EU Legislation (1page) DE  EU Legislation (4 pages) DE
 French  EU Legislation (1 page) FR  EU Legislation (4 pages) FR
 Hungarian  EU Legislation (1 page) HU  EU Legislation (4 pages) HU
 Italian  EU Legislation (1 page) IT  EU Legislation (4 pages) IT
 Spanish  EU Legislation (1 page) ES  EU Legislation (4 pages) ES
Swedish  Eu Legislation (1 page) SE

EU Legislation (4 pages) SE


Zip package with all 7 posters (7 languages), in one-page format.


EU LegDiagram DetailHUDetail of the poster, Hungarian edition

The EU institutions poster is a teaching aid developed as part of our HYS project aiming at helping learners and educators to get a quicker grip on how the EU works from the institutions perspective.

EU institutions poster EN v03


The poster is available in several languages.

It is also included in the "Easy book on the EU".

The poster can be used in various learning environments, for example in the classroom. VHS Hannover (Germany) uses it also as part of the props of their Escape Room "Asteroid Alarm" for learning about the EU which was developed as part of the HYS project.

Download the poster

File size is 15-30 MB each. The poster is suitable for large scale printing/plotting (paper size A1 or similar). 

Full package (1 page pdf):

7 Posters (7 languages)

Posters in individual languages:

  Poster Poster split into 9 pages A4
English EN  (1 page) EN on 9 pages (print and glue)
German DE (1 page) DE on 9 pages (print and glue)
Italian IT (1 page) IT on 9 pages (print and glue)
Hungarian HU (1 page) HU on 9 pages (print and glue)
Spanish ES (1 page) ES on 9 pages (print and glue)
Swedish SE (1 page) SE on 9 pages (print and glue)
French FR (1 page) FR on 9 pages (print and glue)


Technical instructions

The 1 page Pdf can be used for printing the poster on a plotter (a printer for large paper). Some educational institutions have one. Or the Pdf can be given to a professional print shop.

The "9 pages A4" Pdf can be printed on an ordinary office printer (paper size A4). The 9 pages must then be cut and glued. For cutting use a knife and a metal ruler. Remove two of the four side strips so that you can glue the sheets seamlessly. There are cut marks on the paper.