On June 28-30, 2022 the Have Your Say project held it's staff training in Brussels.

23 teachers and educators from adult education institutions from 7 countries participated. In a full three days workshop programme they

  • became acquainted with various playful environments for learning about the EU as developed by the HYS project
  • tested a number of other games produced previously be third parties
  • visited the most important EU institutions in Brussels including the Parliament and the EU commission
  • met and discussed with MEP István Ujhelyj (Hungary) of the Progressives and Social Democrates parliamentary group, and attended an event organised by him to open a public discussion about improvements in the health sector 

The staff traiing was held in the venues of the Brussels representation of the German Federal Province of Lower Saxony. 


JungaGameHUTesting the EU Giant Jenga game developed by Nevelök Háza Egyesült, Pécs, Hungary.


PlaxingESGameThe "Bags for Life" game developed by CEPA San Cristobal (Spain) turned out to be extremely engaging for participants.

PlayingAsteroidWe used a special venue to set up the "Asteroid Alarm" game developed by VHS Hannover. The task is to save the world by finding out how the EU works.

DiscussionUjhelyjFrom gaming to reality: discussion with the Hungarian MEP István Ujelyj in one of the meeting halls of the European Parliament in Brussels.