On 27-28 April 2022, coordinators and educators of organisations joined in the HYS project met for a two days coordination workshop in Bastia, Korsika, hosted by the French partner SAPSE.

The work programme included decision-making about final products to created after intensive testing of new educational games, and it included also live testing the game developed by SAPSE - a role play to enact EU law-making with players taking on the roles of various institutions, but also of the law itself.

The meeting took place in Couvent des Capanells, on the hills surrounding Bastia city centre. The meeting took place in Couvent des Capanells, on the hills surrounding Bastia city centre.


The Law Game developed by SAPSE lets players live, in a process of about 1 hour, experience the process of a bill passing through all relevant institutions of the EU. Sometimes with obstacldes.The Law Game developed by SAPSE lets players live, in a process of about 1 hour, experience the process of a bill passing through all relevant institutions of the EU. Sometimes with obstacldes.


Another interesting topic was testing the game developed by VHS Hannover in Germany, a real-world escape room, all the props for which VHS Hannover staff had managed somewho to get per train and ferryboat from Hannover to Bastia.

 Testing the Asteroid Alarm! escape room, in a makeshift setup during the conference in Bastia.Testing the Asteroid Alarm! escape room, in a makeshift setup during the conference in Bastia.