Another week of "Asteroid Alarm" took place in Hannover, 12-17 June 2023: VHS Hannover was invited to the Käthe Kollwitz secondary school (Gymnasium) in the List neighbourhood to offer the escape room developed in the HYS project.
Five classes of 10th graders, each with 30 students fought to save planet Earth from a deadly asteroid impact. This had been initiated by the schools' team of politics teachers. They integrated the game into their classes on the functioning of the EU. A total of 150 students participated. The topic - how does the EU take decisions - was particularly interesting for them, as in the next elections for European parliament, in June 2024, they will be able to vote, as the EU as decided to allow voting for all citizens from the age of 16.
The Asteroid Alarm escape game as it was set up in the B8 classroom at Kätze Kollwitz school in Hannover in June 2023. A separate room was used for the briefing and debriefing sessions.