The Have Your Say Project is being run by a consortium of eight adult education organisations from 7 countries.

Lead partner of the project is

Ada-und-Theodor-Lessing-Volkshochschule Hannover
Burgstraße 14
30159 Hannover, Germany


Christian Geiselmann (EU projects coordinator)
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Ada-und-Theodor-Lessing-Volkshochschule Hannover (VHS Hannover) is the adult education organisation of the municipality of Hannover.


Website Maintenance

This website was created on behalf of the HYS project international consortium by:

Kostadin Kostov, Sofia, Bulgaria
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The Have Your Say project was funded by the Europen Union under the Erasmus+ programme (Strategic partnerschip in adult education).
Hence its products are published with the aim to be freely available to everybody, for further use.

This website is published under a Creative Commons license. 

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 Disclaimer by the European Commission

This project was funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or any of its bodies. Neither the European Union nor its bodies can be held responsible for them.

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